Friday, January 27, 2012

「Ma: Space between here and there」展

Hi all, Amanda here.


2012 can't believe that we are here already. 2011 was a big year for our office with many events in all departments so I guess that's why the year flew!!


Now in Sydney it is Summer but there are alot of rain, storms and flooding in Queensland, people are having to be evacuated from their homes. Last year we had devastating floods at this time of the year too so we hope that they don't get any worse. Did you hear about these on the news?


Yesterday, 26th January saw us celebrate Australia Day. This day commutates the arrival of the First Fleetin Sydney in 1788.

1月26日は、1788年にシドニーに初の入植団が到着したことを記念する日「Australia Day」でした。

Australia, being a very multi-cultural country, people choose to celebrate this day is all kinds of ways, many have BBQs, go to the beach, play cricket, watch cricket on TV, enjoy the day off, watch fireworks in the city, have house parties, hang out with their friends and much more. These are the more traditional ways but I'm sure there are so many I've missed.



There are also citizenship ceremonies around Australia which is the final step to officially become an Australian citizen. Australia Day is the most popular day to do this, being all about Australia you can imagine why.

また、正式にオーストラリア国民になるための最終ステップとなるシチズンシップセレモニーが国中で行われます。このセレモニーは「Australia Day」によく行われます。オーストラリア人になるということを考えると、Australiaという言葉が使われている「Australia Day」に行われるのも納得ですよね~。

Our calendar kicked of with 'Facetnate!' which is a program which supports emerging artists in Australia. The first exhibition called 'Ma: Space between here and there' by Japanese artist Yuria Okamura based in Melbourne, explores the relationship between interior and exterior spaces, the ideas of perception and illusion, and the physical and abstract world.

2012年のイベントはオーストラリアの新進アーティストをサポートするプログラム「Facetnate!」からスタートしました。今年初の展覧会は、メルボルンを拠点として活動している日本人アーティストYuria Okamuraさんの「Ma: Space between here and there」展です。この展覧会は、内なるスペースと外なるスペースの関係、認識と幻影というアイデア、物理的な世界と抽象的な世界を探っていくというものです。

Here is one of her pieces



And one of her speaking on the opening night



Her artworks are very beautiful and really can't be truly appreciated unless you are up close and viewing the in the gallery. The detail in her work and attention to details is just amazing.


After Okamura's exhibition we have another emerging artists collaboration and many more events in store....


Make sure to come see for yourself on our site


Until next time!


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