Saturday, November 17, 2012



Hello, everyone!

First, I can't help mentioning the event in Italy! Federica, ikebana compositions by Mrs. Koka Fukushima just amazed me!They are so great! When you are near them you must have felt as if you were somewhere in the bamboo forest or in the jungle!






It is “The Japanese Fall” season right now in Moscow. There are a lot of events being on run or organized now. Though it feels like a marathon of events making us running faster and faster I would like to take a short pause and share with you my impressions of the brightest events held recently!

While Russians were fighting with strong cold wind the students who are studying Japanese were fighting with their fears and embarrassment making speeches on the Moscow Speech Contest in Japanese. It was the 25th anniversary of the speech contest held among students from Russia and the CIS countries. 21 students took part in this year’s contest. Almost all students’ speeches were of a very high level, so it was quite a tough competition.

The first place in the competition awarded to a student from Yakutsk (Russia). Her speech is called “Sisyphean labour”. She compared human’s everyday life with Sisyphean labour. Like Sisyphus, who was made to roll a huge boulder up a steep hill; before he could reach the top, however, the massive stone would always roll back down, forcing him to begin again; people have to do a lot of routine things around the house (like washing dishes, because they will use it again and will have to wash it again and again) or boring work. And they do give the meaning to their work not to lose themselves, not to stop respect themselves. The speech made a deep impression on most of the audience.


優勝者!The winner of the Speech contest!





The master of the Kirie Mr. Shu Kubo with his assistant/manager Mrs. Sakura Ueda visited Moscow. It was the first time when Kirie (Art of creating a picture by scissoring the pieces of paper out of the Japanese paper washi ) was shown in Moscow. Mr. Kubo and Mrs. Ueda explained how to hold an art knife, and told us about the washi paper producing process and the fusion of tradition and modern trends in the Kirie Art.

Here is a postcard students were trying to make themselves using some other picture they chose.



This one is made by the teacher Mr.Kubo and his assistant Mrs.Ueda



The exhibition of Mr. Kubo Shu’s works are still held.




1) マトリョーシカ

2) チェブラシカ

3) こぐまのミーシャ(1980年モスクワオリンピックのマスコット)

During the demonstration the master made a very big picture of the Japanese typical images (the Mount Fuji and a sakura tree), while telling many things about kirie. Ha also has created one Russian representative pattern.

Try to guess, what it is!

1) Matryoshka doll

2) Cheburashka

3) Misha (The Moscow Olympic mascot)


マトリョーシカ/Matryoshka doll




こぐまのミーシャ/Misha (The Moscow Olympic mascot)



Well, your answer is?

Ba dum tssssssh…


久保先生が作って下さったチェブラシカ/Cheburashka made by Kirie Master Shu Kubo

ところで基金モスクワのオフィスに飾ってあり、毎日喜ばせてくれています!By the way it welcomes us every morning in our Moscow Office!


Aw, it seems like the first runner is getting closer and closer and it’s my turn to grab the baton and start running. …..(voice over) That was it. The next moment she vroomed.

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