Wednesday, May 14, 2014

インドネシア第7期EPA研修候補者による日本語調べ学習発表会 / Presentation on Self-learning by Indonesian Participants of the 7th Japanese-Language Pre-training Program under Economic Partnership Agreements (EPA)

みなさーん、EPAって知ってますか? はい、知ります。ぶー、「知ります」じゃなくて「知っています」ですよ。←日本語の教室で交わされていそうな会話。
Do you all know EPA? Yes, I know (知ります ”shirimasu”). Boo, it is not (知ります ”shirimasu”) but (知っています ”shitte imasu”). It is a conversation that might be often exchanged in the classroom of Japanese.

・・・さておき、皆様ご承知のEPAとは経済連携協定のこと。2008年に日本とインドネシアで締結された日イEPAの中にはモノやサービスの円滑化だけではなく、ヒトの移動についても協定の中に含まれているんですね。それで、この年から早速インドネシア人看護師・介護福祉士候補者の方々が日本にやってきたのは記憶に新しいところです。え、もう古い? 国際交流基金ではこの第1期介護福祉士候補者の方々への日本語研修を実施したのですが、そのあとも第4期から現在進行中の第7期までインドネシア国内にて実施される日本語研修をしています(↓)。
... Aside, each of you may know that EPA is Economic Partnership Agreement. Japan-Indonesia Economic Partnership Agreement, which was signed in 2008, facilitates the cross-border flows of not only goods and services but also people. With this Agreement, you may still remember as a fresh memory that Indonesian nurse and care worker candidates started to come to Japan at once from this year. Or, it is already an old memory? The Japan Foundation conducted the first Japanese-language training for these people and has been consecutively conducting its pre-arrival training program from its fourth year to the ongoing seventh year in Indonesia.

前置きが長くなりましたが、それで今回ご紹介するのは、「平成25年度EPAに基づくインドネシア人看護師・介護福祉士候補者に対する日本語予備教育事業」の「調べ学習発表会」です! 「調べ学習発表会」というのは、授業で習った日本語を活用して、異文化への理解・適応のための活動の一環で行うもの。昨年11月に開始したこの日本語研修ですが、6か月の学習期間の終盤となる今月3日・10日に学習の成果を公開でお披露目しようということで実施に至りました。ここでは、クラス横断のグループが様々なテーマに沿って調べた結果を日本語でポスターにまとめ、代表者による発表と質疑応答を行います。大枠のテーマを「日本とインドネシアの比較」とし、日本とインドネシアの食べ物や建築、社会事情などについて表現力豊かに発表します・・・。
Introduction somehow turned out to be longer, but this time we would like to talk about the presentation on self-learning of the 2013 Japanese-Language Pre-training Program for Indonesian Candidates for Nurses and Care Workers under Economic Partnership Agreements (EPA). Participants gave presentations on self-learning, with the help of Japanese they have learned in class, as part of the activities to understand and adapt a different culture. The Japanese-language training started in last November and the presentation attempted to show off the learning outcomes in front of the public on the 3rd and 10th of this month to mark the end of the six-month training period. For this presentation, study groups summarized their self-learning results with various themes in the Japanese-written poster and a representative member of each group gave a presentation and a Q&A session. The overall theme was “Comparison of Indonesia and Japan,” and they used a variety of expressions to talk about architectures, foods, and the social situations of Japan and Indonesia.

ということで、当日はまず最初に大講堂に全員が集合! あたりを見回すとなんだか白塗りの女性が気になるぞ。
With that said, everyone gathered in a large auditorium on the first day! I looked around the venue, and a woman with a whitewashed face caught my attention……

This day, the eight groups were divided into eight rooms and each did the presentation four times. I first went to see the presentation on "food in Indonesia and Japan," given by the “blue sky” team. They introduced the both countries’ foods similar to each other, Japan’s “sashimi” and “naniura” of Indonesia. “Naniura” is a recipe from Medan, North Sumatra. People eat “naniura,” with spices, such as “under-Marin” shown in the photograph, rubbed into its belly. Indonesian people eat raw fish, too. We heard that this recipe is good for skin and heart. Cool!

And then I saw the "traditional dance" presentation of the "sweet pepper" team. Wow, here she was, a lady with a whitewashed face. With the introduction of the four traditional dances of Indonesia and Japan, she performed one of them, No-mai. Well, I then found why she made her face whitewashed. Even so, the “sweet pepper”, that's the team name with a quite connotation.

After the presentations of the day is all finished, everyone gathered in the large auditorium again. Finally, the vote started. Candidates, lecturers and guests casted a vote into the envelope an instructor of each team representative held.

And, the result was finally announced. Wow! The girl with a whitewashed face of the “sweet pepper” team became the champion. In response to the request, they danced Kecak dance of Bali, Indonesia. There, was a teacher also dancing?

というわけでたくさんのお客さんにお越しいただいた調べ学習発表会も無事終了! また来年もきっとありますので、今年見逃した方はぜひお越しくださいね。ジャカルタからの報告でしたー!

Welcoming a number of guests, all of the presentations on self-learning were successfully completed! We will probably do this next year, too, so please come by all means if you missed this year’s presentations. Thank you so much for reading and it was a report from Jakarta!

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